How to Protect Gutters from Pine Needles

Gutters filled with twigs, leaves, and dirt are typically easier to manage than other types of materials such as shingle granules, pine cones, and pine needles. Since this is the Pacific Northwest, many homes in the lower mainland are a… Read More »

Clean the Gutters by Using a Ladder and Staying Safe

Cleaning the gutters can be tedious. It often involves working from a ladder; climbing up and down; using tools; and reaching above your head. Falls from ladders are one of the top five causes of trips to the ER for… Read More »

Reasons Gutter Cleaning is Important in Vancouver

Cleaning the gutters is a home’s best defence against water damage that can result in damaged roofs, flooded basements, and soggy landscaping. the leaves have fallen. When debris builds up int gutter troughs, clogs form, preventing runoff from flowing freely… Read More »

Choosing a Gutter Cleaning Company

As spring approaches, home maintenance tasks become a priority for many homeowners and renters. Because gutters are an essential part of your home exterior, it’s important to clean them regularly, and if you plan on hiring a professional gutter contractor,… Read More »

Gutter Cleaning – DIY or Hire a Pro?

Gutter cleaning is a relatively simple home maintenance task. If you have the time and basic skills, cleaning your own rain gutters can save you money. However, before you DIY the gutter system, take into account the size of your… Read More »

When Should I Clean My Gutters?

If you live in the desert and don’t have any deciduous trees growing on your property, you can safely commit to cleaning the gutters once a year. Let’s be honest about gutter cleaning; it’s probably everyone’s least favourite home maintenance… Read More »

Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter can be rough on a home. While Metro Vancouver does experience milder weather in comparison to other regions in Canada, we do get rain, wind, and snow storms that can wreak havoc on a home’s exterior. Use these simple… Read More »

How Storms affect Your Gutters

Gutters are designed to deal with the elements – a gutter system in good working order is the best protection your home’s exterior could have. But there’s no denying that seasonal weather can give your gutters and downspouts a good… Read More »

How Cleaning the Gutters can save You Money

One of the most important fall home maintenance chores on your to-do list this season is gutter cleaning before winter arrives. The last thing you want to deal with is a flooded basement or a leaking roof during the holidays… Read More »

Easy Fall Home Maintenance Tips

It’s officially hearty soup and heavy sweater season. But before you cozy up on the couch to support your favourite team or host some themed marathon movie weekends, it’s important to get your home ready for winter this fall. If… Read More »