Clean the Gutters by Using a Ladder and Staying Safe

Cleaning the gutters can be tedious. It often involves working from a ladder; climbing up and down; using tools; and reaching above your head. Falls from ladders are one of the top five causes of trips to the ER for… Read More »

Ladder Safety Refresher in time for Spring

Whether you’ll be washing the siding, cleaning out the gutters, or inspecting the roof as part of your home maintenance routine this spring, you’ll need to use a ladder. Falls from ladders are preventable. If you haven’t used a ladder… Read More »

Ladder Safety for Winter Chores

Whether you’re hanging holiday lights, inspecting the roof after a windstorm, or cleaning the gutters, many home maintenance tasks involve using a ladder. Falls off ladders are one of the top five accidents people experience when doing chores around the… Read More »

Using a Ladder Safely this Summer

If you plan on inspecting the roof, cleaning the gutters, trimming trees, painting the garage, or washing the siding, chances are you will need a ladder. While power tools might seem more dangerous than ladders, the reality is a fall… Read More »

Let’s Talk About Ladders and Ladder Safety

One of the top five injuries people experience doing home maintenance chores is falling off a ladder. Cleaning the gutters this fall shouldn’t be dangerous. Before starting any chore that involves a ladder, know what kind you need and how… Read More »