Gutter Cleaning – DIY or Hire a Pro?

Gutter cleaning is a relatively simple home maintenance task. If you have the time and basic skills, cleaning your own rain gutters can save you money. However, before you DIY the gutter system, take into account the size of your… Read More »

Ways to make Your Home Exterior Look Expensive

Curb appeal is important for several reasons. Your home’s exterior is the first thing family, friends, and neighbours see as they approach or pass by. Good curb appeal enhances the overall look and feel of your home and sends the… Read More »

DIY or Hire a Pro for New Gutters for Your Home

When it comes to renovations that boost curb appeal, installing new gutters is a good choice. It can improve the resale value of your house should you be selling in the future. In the present, upgrading the gutter system enhances… Read More »

Common Gutter Cleaning Dangers

Dirty gutters can have a negative impact on your home and its curb appeal. You don’t really want to clean the gutters, but doing the job yourself saves money. And wherever you can save, every bit helps. However, there are… Read More »

Improve your Curb Appeal in Time for Summer

Sprucing up your home’s exterior is a part of many homeowners’ home maintenance routine. Adding a seasonal flair to your home’s exterior is a great way to make a good first impression, whether you’re selling your home, or welcoming family… Read More »

Should You Clean Your Own Gutters?

DIY gutter cleaning can save you money. But there are certain situations when it is more economical and safer in the long run to hire a gutter cleaning professional. Some scenarios where it might be better to skip the DIY… Read More »

How to Clean Your Own Gutters

One of the most important spring home maintenance tasks you will be doing this season is cleaning the gutters. Gutter cleaning at this time of year helps to erase all traces of winter and gets the gutter system ready for… Read More »

Budget Friendly Upgrades for Your Home’s Exterior

While we might be able to travel throughout the province and to other places in Canada in the not-too-distant future, it looks like COVID-19 will keep us close to home for a little while longer. This is a great opportunity… Read More »

Money-Saving Tips for Your Home’s Exterior

Maintenance projects and renovations improve the look and feel of your home exterior. Seasonal repairs and inspections to the roof, gutters, and siding help protect your home from wood rot and other types of water damage. However, regular maintenance and… Read More »

Clean the Roof – But don’t do it Yourself

Owning your own home is a big responsibility and keeping up with all those home maintenance tasks can really eat into your available free time. This year, whenever you’re scheduled to tackle the gutter system, cleaning off the roof first… Read More »