How to Protect Your Home from Storm Damage

It seems as though the snow has come back to Metro Vancouver, then followed by a week of rain, according to the 7-day forecast for the region. Strong winds bring driving rain and snow. They can also deposit tree limbs… Read More »

When Should I Clean My Gutters?

If you live in the desert and don’t have any deciduous trees growing on your property, you can safely commit to cleaning the gutters once a year. Let’s be honest about gutter cleaning; it’s probably everyone’s least favourite home maintenance… Read More »

Factors that Influence the Cost of Gutter Cleaning

You’ve been busy this summer. Now it’s fall and you’re even busier, you don’t know when you’ll get around to cleaning the gutters. Since they haven’t been done in a while, you’re really not looking forward to it! Perhaps you’re… Read More »

Homemade Gutter Cleaning Solutions

You use vinegar to wash the windows, polish mirrors, and descale the coffee maker. But will it really remove stains from the gutters? You don’t just want to do away with leaves, twigs, seed pods, and other types of organic… Read More »

When it’s Time for Gutter Replacement

Gutters play an important role when it comes to protecting your home’s exterior from the elements and the water damage it can cause. Having to purchase new gutters can be the ideal opportunity to upgrade and take advantage of new… Read More »

Signs Your Gutters Need Professional Attention

Most people are aware that home maintenance is vital to preventing structural damage, basement flooding, and leaks and other moisture-related issues. While some maintenance tasks such as cleaning the gutters, clearing off the roof, washing the siding, and making minor… Read More »

Before You Decide to Replace the Gutters

The gutters aren’t looking great. Or you don’t know exactly how old they were when you bought the house and that’s been over ten years. Or you installed aluminum gutters fifteen years ago but now there’s a bunch of rust… Read More »

Hazards of Clogged Gutters

Cleaning the gutters in spring is necessary for several reasons including protecting the roof, the siding, and the structural integrity of your home. When gutter cleaning is neglected, debris buildup can lead to a number of serous problems that could… Read More »

Do Your Gutters Need Help?

As a homeowner, you want to be on top of your spring home maintenance checklist. Most of us are aware of the importance of gutter cleaning especially in the lower mainland where Vancouver gutters can be overworked. It doesn’t help… Read More »

What You Need to Know about Downspouts

As part of the roofing system, the gutters and downspouts are often overlooked, especially the downspouts. But a downspout plays a very important role in protecting your home from water damage. Downpipes carry water from the roof to the ground,… Read More »