Tips for Maintaining Your Gutters

You know how unpredictable the weather can be in the lower mainland. Now fall is here, it’s important to prepare for the active wind and rain storms of winter before they arrive. Maintaining your gutters regularly is a cost-effective way… Read More »

Clean the Gutters by Using a Ladder and Staying Safe

Cleaning the gutters can be tedious. It often involves working from a ladder; climbing up and down; using tools; and reaching above your head. Falls from ladders are one of the top five causes of trips to the ER for… Read More »

Ladder Safety Refresher in time for Spring

Whether you’ll be washing the siding, cleaning out the gutters, or inspecting the roof as part of your home maintenance routine this spring, you’ll need to use a ladder. Falls from ladders are preventable. If you haven’t used a ladder… Read More »

Be Aware of these Common Dangers of Gutter Cleaning

Cleaning the gutters in the fall is a good home maintenance strategy that will protect your home’s exterior throughout the winter and spring months. Cleaning gutters and doing any needed repairs yourself can save you money. But there are risks… Read More »

Safely Clean the Gutters this Fall

A gutter system protects all the important parts of your home’s exterior, from its foundation to the roof. Cleaning the gutters in the fall is vital to keeping them working throughout winter when the weather can deliver active winds, constant… Read More »

Proactive Gutter Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Gutters play an important part in preventing leaks and cracks in the foundation while protecting your home’s exterior from water damage. A gutter system collects water from the roof and directs it toward the gutter outlet and then down the… Read More »

Common Gutter Cleaning Dangers

Dirty gutters can have a negative impact on your home and its curb appeal. You don’t really want to clean the gutters, but doing the job yourself saves money. And wherever you can save, every bit helps. However, there are… Read More »

FAQs about DIY Gutter Cleaning

Now that spring is here and we’re planning to spruce up our homes, cleaning the gutters should be at the top of our home maintenance check list. Even though you have cleaned the gutters fairly regularly throughout the years, you… Read More »

Ladder Safety for Winter Chores

Whether you’re hanging holiday lights, inspecting the roof after a windstorm, or cleaning the gutters, many home maintenance tasks involve using a ladder. Falls off ladders are one of the top five accidents people experience when doing chores around the… Read More »

How to Clean Gutters from the Ground

Do you experience dizziness on a ladder or have mobility issues? While cleaning the gutters is an important part for maintaining your home’s exterior, you might be reluctant to climb that ladder for whatever reason. Most gutter cleaning tools used… Read More »