Tips to Unblock Your Downpipes

Just like gutters, downpipes can become blocked too. If the gutter system overflows after cleaning the gutters or there are no obvious clogs in the gutter trough, there could be blockages inside the downspouts. If the clog isn’t readily visible… Read More »

How Gutters can put Your Home at Risk

A gutter system is designed to drain water from the roof and guide runoff out of the downspouts to a safe distance away from a home’s exterior. When they work, most homeowners forget about the gutters. In order to protect… Read More »

Solutions to Four Common Gutter Problems

When the gutters are cleaned regularly, a gutter system that isn’t working the way it should can be a bit of a mystery. This can be frustrating for homeowners who take home maintenance seriously and pride themselves on their home’s… Read More »

A Guide to Rain Gardens

Rain gardens are good for the environment. They are eco-friendly because they manage runoff from the hard surfaces on your property, filtering out pollutants and sediment that can enter streams, rivers, and the ocean. Typically an intentional mix of sun… Read More »

Are Underground Downspouts Worth the Investment?

Standard downspouts are an integral part of your gutter system. They drain water away from the foundation of your home. Downpipes not only protect a basement from flooding; they also protect your landscaping from soil erosion and the side effects… Read More »

Downspout Styles – Which one is Right for You?

Properly installed downspouts play an important role in preventing structural damage, basement flooding, and washed out landscaping. Gutters collect rainwater from the roof, but it is the downpipes that direct the runoff safely away from the foundation. The two main… Read More »

Signs Your Downspouts Need to be Replaced

When downspouts work properly, like the gutters, homeowners tend to forget about them. They are an important part of the gutter system, ensuring that excess water from the roof is safely deposited away from the foundation of your home. Malfunctioning… Read More »

How to Prevent Gutters from Clogging

Regular gutter cleaning is an excellent home maintenance approach that protects your home from water damage. Most problems gutters are prone to can be prevented. In addition to regular cleanings, being aware of the actionable steps you can take is… Read More »

Splash Blocks vs Downspout Extensions

Regular gutter system maintenance ensures that rainwater is directed toward the downspouts and then drains safely away from the foundation of your home. But sometimes the downpipes need a little help. When runoff regularly pools beneath the downspouts or a… Read More »

Tips to Prevent Basement Flooding

Gutters and downspouts are designed to direct rainwater away from your home. Good home maintenance habits help keep them working efficiently. But other areas of your home and home’s exterior also contribute to successfully remaining safe and dry. Ways to… Read More »