How Cleaning the Gutters can save You Money

One of the most important fall home maintenance chores on your to-do list this season is gutter cleaning before winter arrives. The last thing you want to deal with is a flooded basement or a leaking roof during the holidays… Read More »

Easy Fall Home Maintenance Tips

It’s officially hearty soup and heavy sweater season. But before you cozy up on the couch to support your favourite team or host some themed marathon movie weekends, it’s important to get your home ready for winter this fall. If… Read More »

New Roofs Need Maintenance Too

Your roof is out there every day, exposed to wind, rain, sun, cold, and temperature fluctuations. But this fall, you won’t have to worry about the newly installed roof, because, well, it’s new. The bottom line is new roofs need… Read More »

Signs it’s Time to Clean the Gutters

One of the most important fall home maintenance tasks is gutter cleaning. They are probably the least glamorous part of a home’s exterior, but gutters protect everything that’s important to you. When a gutter system works as it should, you… Read More »

Homemade Gutter Cleaning Solutions

You use vinegar to wash the windows, polish mirrors, and descale the coffee maker. But will it really remove stains from the gutters? You don’t just want to do away with leaves, twigs, seed pods, and other types of organic… Read More »

Is Your Roof Ready for Fall?

Taking care of your roof ensures that it looks good and will keep your home protected year-round. It might still be summer, but making the roofing system a top priority on your fall home maintenance to-do list not only boosts… Read More »

How Leaves can Damage a Roof

The vivid reds, bright oranges, golden browns, and sunny yellows of fall are pretty to look at while they’re hanging from trees. But once they land on your roof, they can cause trouble in a number of ways. Find out… Read More »

Fall Gutter Maintenance

Winter can be really rough on gutters so a top priority on your fall home maintenance list should be a thorough gutter cleaning. Fallen leaves, bits of twigs, and little surprises the wind brings can collect in the gutters, forming… Read More »

Exterior Home Maintenance for Fall

Even though autumn hasn’t officially arrived trees are changing colour, there are already leaves on the ground, morning air feels a little cooler, and the sun sets earlier. Exterior home maintenance is important to ensure your home is ready for… Read More »

Home Maintenance Tasks to Do Before Winter

The days are getting shorter and temperatures have recently dropped to freezing overnight. Icy winds, heavy rainfall, and even snow will soon find us. Putting these simple chores on your home maintenance checklist will help you get your home ready… Read More »