How to Winterize Your Lawn

With fall around the corner, home maintenance isn’t just about cleaning the gutters or repairing the siding. Fall is a crucial time of year for yard work. Preparing your landscaping for cooler weather strengthens the roots of grasses, making it… Read More »

Ways to avoid Injury while Cleaning the Gutters

When cleaning the gutters this spring or working on the roof in the summer, it is necessary to be safe. Accident prevention is simple. Ways to avoid personal injury and potential harm to others include using a ladder safely, wearing… Read More »

Reasons for Falling off Ladders

If you plan to clean the gutters, chances are you will most likely be using a ladder. While it might not seem like a very dangerous undertaking, ladder accidents are more common than you might expect. And a small percentage… Read More »

Common Gutter Cleaning Mistakes

Cleaning the gutters is a necessary evil when it comes to maintaining your home’s exterior and protecting it from water damage. While there are many methods to getting the gutters shipshape, it’s important to clean them correctly. Here are some… Read More »

Remove Exterior Stains from Your Gutters

Gutters that are dirty and streaked on the outside detract from your home’s curb appeal. Over time, mineral buildup, algae and mold can pit, scratch or permanently streak the material gutters are made of. Removing exterior stains from your gutter… Read More »