Using a Ladder Safely this Summer

If you plan on inspecting the roof, cleaning the gutters, trimming trees, painting the garage, or washing the siding, chances are you will need a ladder. While power tools might seem more dangerous than ladders, the reality is a fall… Read More »

Reclaim Your Backyard

Whether you haven’t been able to use the backyard due to serious neglect or you just haven’t had the time yet to get out there and clean up after winter, spend some time now to get it ready for summer… Read More »

Ways to avoid Injury while Cleaning the Gutters

When cleaning the gutters this spring or working on the roof in the summer, it is necessary to be safe. Accident prevention is simple. Ways to avoid personal injury and potential harm to others include using a ladder safely, wearing… Read More »

Basics of Yard Maintenance

Yard maintenance might be one of your least favourite chores. But it has to be done if you want to enjoy your backyard, have a safe place for the kids to play, and keep your property looking its best. An… Read More »

Common Gutter Cleaning Mistakes

Cleaning the gutters is a necessary evil when it comes to maintaining your home’s exterior and protecting it from water damage. While there are many methods to getting the gutters shipshape, it’s important to clean them correctly. Here are some… Read More »

Leaking Gutter Corners

Homeowners examine gutter seams for wear and tear, but forget about the corners. It’s especially important for those who have seamless aluminum gutters to check the corners, since this is the only place where leaks will occur. Here are some… Read More »

Let’s Talk About Ladders and Ladder Safety

One of the top five injuries people experience doing home maintenance chores is falling off a ladder. Cleaning the gutters this fall shouldn’t be dangerous. Before starting any chore that involves a ladder, know what kind you need and how… Read More »