Ways to Reduce Outdoor Maintenance

You take pride in your home’s exterior. A well-maintained front door boosts curb appeal. Beautiful, eco-friendly landscaping sets a welcoming tone for the whole neigbourhood.  Sparkling windows and clean siding emphasize the unique aspects of your house’s architectural style. But… Read More »

Eco Friendly Materials for your Home’s Exterior

If you’re currently living in a home that hasn’t been built within the past 20 years, you know it probably isn’t anywhere close to being zero net. If you want to find ways to make your home more sustainable, you… Read More »

Gutter Material Choices that are Eco-Friendly

If you are looking to replace the gutters or need a new gutter system for your home or commercial property, consider gutter material choices that are eco-friendly. Many of us hear “eco-friendly” or “sustainable” and think “expensive.” But when you… Read More »

Eco-Friendly Home Exteriors

While cost is certainly the main factor of any home renovation project, when it comes to green living, many homeowners are willing to pay a little more for greener exterior finishing elements than the standard choices. Green living goes beyond… Read More »

How to save Energy during the Holidays

It’s a given that we consume more energy in preparation for the holidays and during the holiday season. Baking treats, cooking more meals than at other times of the year, and all those twinkly lights and decorations can quickly add… Read More »

Eco-Friendly Gutter Systems

Eco-friendly gutter systems are ones manufactured from sustainable recycled materials like aluminum, steel or copper. Popular perception of green living and environmentally friendly products is that they are more expensive and time-consuming. But actually, the opposite is true. Sustainable gutters… Read More »

Home Exterior Design Trends 2017

Your home is a big investment. Trends come and go but you want maximum curb appeal that expresses your unique style and personality without the threat of becoming quickly outdated. With these home exterior design trends for 2017, your home… Read More »

Ways Your Home can save Energy

In winter, you might expect to pay more for your energy bill. But if the difference is really noticeable, then perhaps it’s time to examine some home improvements that are more eco-friendly. Here are some ways you can become more… Read More »

Green Changes to Your Home

Regardless of the age of your home, making it more energy-efficient is not only eco-friendly, it can also save you money. Fixing a dripping tap or repairing a drafty window might not seem like much, but small changes add up… Read More »

Eco-Friendly Gutters

Gutters protect your property from the elements, while adding character and curb appeal to your home exterior. But how do you protect the environment when choosing what’s best for you? Part of the problem is definition: green, going green, living… Read More »