The Impact of Clean Windows on Your Home

For many people, washing the windows isn’t a priority on their home maintenance list. After all, it is a time-consuming chore – if you can still see out of them, why bother? Keeping the windows of your home’s exterior clean… Read More »

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Windows

Spring is just around the corner, bringing with it brighter days and that irresistible urge to wipe away the dreary effects of winter. Just like the gutters and siding, windows need a little TLC too.  Grime-streaked windows don’t just affect… Read More »

Fall Maintenance Window Safety Tips

Windows let in air and light. Sparkling clean panes and well-maintained trim improve a home’s overall appearance. Window safety isn’t just for children; it’s for adults, too. As you’re getting your home ready for winter this fall – cleaning out… Read More »

Get Windows Professionally Cleaned this Spring

A home seems welcoming if the exterior is clean and sparkling, particularly the windows. Keeping the windows grime-free, both inside and outside provides health benefits while bumping up curb appeal. During spring, pollen, tree sap, and dust collect on glass… Read More »

Window Safety

It’s a nice fall day but a little stuffy in the kitchen, so a window is opened to let in some fresh air. But if you have small children, it’s important to recognize that a seemingly harmless open window can… Read More »

What do Your Windows Say about You?

While elements of your home’s exterior improve curb appeal, things like the gutter system, the siding colour, or the roof style also reflect the personality and character of those living inside. Windows are the one home exterior element that is… Read More »

More than Cleaning the Gutters

While it doesn’t seem much cooler, the kids are back at school and fall is on its way. Cleaning the gutters regularly is one of your home maintenance priorities. That’s why you hire a gutter cleaning service. But did you… Read More »

Clean Your Windows this Spring

When was the last time you cleaned the windows of your home? If you don’t bother unless they’ve been egged or paintballed, you’re not alone – window cleaning is one of the most neglected chores by home owners. This spring… Read More »