Is There a Best Time of Year to Replace Siding?

Replacing the siding of your home’s exterior is a big investment. While it’s tempting to think it can hold on for a few more years – it doesn’t look that bad – timely siding replacement is an important aspect in… Read More »

Unique Siding and Design Ideas for Your Home

Because the home’s exterior is the first thing people see when passing by or coming for a visit, it’s important it makes a strong first impression. If you would like to achieve a distinctive look that you will love (and… Read More »

Winter Siding Maintenance

Keeping your siding in good condition during winter months can prevent costly repairs and emergency situations that are harder to address than during other seasons of the year. Winter can be harsh on a home exterior. Well-maintained siding is great… Read More »

Why Timely Siding Replacement is Important

Replacing siding is a big investment and can interrupt a household’s routine. If your siding is more than 15 years old but still is in okay shape except for some peeling patches and a few loose siding panels, it might… Read More »

How to Clean Siding without a Pressure Washer

An easy and (almost) effortless way to boost curb appeal is to spruce up your home’s exterior. Especially if the siding hasn’t received any TLC in a while, people will focus on the dingy aspects and not on the good… Read More »