Home Maintenance Tasks to Do Before Winter

The days are getting shorter and temperatures have recently dropped to freezing overnight. Icy winds, heavy rainfall, and even snow will soon find us. Putting these simple chores on your home maintenance checklist will help you get your home ready… Read More »

Things Homeowners should do Once a Year

Taking care of a home is a lot of work. To prevent damage that is costly to repair or avoid having to completely replace an entire system it’s vital to maintain your home regularly. Sometimes it can be easier to… Read More »

Storing Your Patio Furniture for the Winter

Regardless of how sturdy, even an ironwork patio set or all-weather outdoor furniture will last longer if it is put away after the summer is over. Storing seasonal items is also good for your siding in particular and the backyard… Read More »

What Type of Shed Should You Buy?

You’re all set to clean the gutters or get started on another backyard maintenance chore that’s on your to-do list, but the ladder is in the basement, the trash bags are under the kitchen sink, and your work gloves and… Read More »