Clean the Roof of Your House

Before tackling the gutters, clean the roof of your house first. If you clean the gutters before doing the roof, any loose debris removed from the shingles will land back in the gutter system. It will also give you an opportunity to inspect the roof for damage.


Remove any debris such as twigs, leaves, branches and pine cones. Most debris is light and can be easily swept with a broom or raked. Just remember not to apply too much pressure – you don’t want to do away with the roofing granules that help protect the shingles from the elements.

You can use a leaf blower to remove the debris. Check your local bylaws for any restrictions that might apply.


Algae simply looks bad. In other words, it’s not doing any actual harm to the roof. Select a proven, eco-friendly solution that won’t hurt you, your plants or the roofing shingles. You can also use a homemade roof cleaner.


Unlike algae, moss can harm a roof. It should be thoroughly removed, then the area cleaned with a solution designed to kill any remaining growth and prevent the moss from returning. When using a homemade solution of vinegar or bleach make sure that it won’t damage the surface material of the roofing shingle.

Helpful Tips

Pick a day that’s not too windy.

Use the ladder safely. Don’t work on roof for at least 12 hours after it has rained.

Gather everything together that you will need for your roof cleaning chore. It will save you trips up and down the ladder.

Skip the power washer. Yes, it will help you finish the task more quickly, but using a pressure washer has its downside. If there are any loose, worn or missing roofing shingles, water could seep in underneath, causing leaks or allowing mold to form. It can also wash away the roofing granules.

Take note of anything that needs immediate attention like replacing missing tiles or reattaching a loosened vent.