Home Exterior Trends for the New Year 2019

A new year is typically a popular time to consider ways to improve your home’s exterior. From small remodeling projects to major renovations, homeowners want significant ROI (return on investment) in the form of better livability, boosted curb appeal, and improved resale value. If you have plans to upgrade the outside of your house, perhaps these home exterior trends for the New Year 2019 will provide you with some inspiration.

Home Exterior Colours

Colours for siding, window frames, and entry door trim are darker in 2019. Dark bold shades of charcoal, black, blue, green and red will be used in combinations for primary (e.g. siding) and accent (e.g. door trim) applications.

Neutral paint colours for your home exterior in 2019 will be deeper and warmer. Think sun-baked clay, shape-shifting clouds, and the muted grey-blue waters of the ocean on an overcast afternoon.

2019 Window Trends

As mentioned above, window frames are darker, but also thinner, expanding the viewing field. A larger viewing field offers a wider horizontal view of the outdoors, increasing the room’s functionality inside and improving the appearance of the home’s exterior.

Painted frames are another residential window trend to look forward to in the New Year. Metal frames are a more long-term commitment. Whereas a painted window frame allows the homeowner to update the colour of the frames in a few years time instead of having to invest in replacement windows.

Windows will be predominately rectilinear and square. Floor to ceiling windows are becoming more and more prevalent in new construction. Expect to see the mixing of shapes for windows in rooms such as dining, bedroom, and kitchen.

Environmentally Friendly Roofing Choices

In today’s climate of rising costs for pretty much everything, homeowners want their homes to be as energy-efficient as possible. Trends for 2019 environmentally friendly roofing choices include:

  • energy efficient roofing systems include roofing tiles made of metal, are lighter in colour, or made of recycled material
  • green roofs also known as living roofs
  • a traditional roof incorporating solar panels