Why Downspouts are Important

A gutter system wouldn’t be complete with a downspout. Rainwater directed into the eavestrough would run over the top of the gutter or pool in places it shouldn’t if the downpipe didn’t drain it away from the roof. Most commonly, a house has one downspout, but depending on the size of the home, its shape and style, there can be two or more downpipes. Downspouts are usually attached at corners of a residential structure where two gutters meet.

Water that escapes from the eavestrough can run down the exterior walls, seeping into cracks or entering the home through the windows, creating the ideal environment for mold. Overflowing gutters can cause flooding in a crawlspace or basement. The most common reason a downpipe doesn’t work properly is that is becomes clogged with debris. But other factors such as being installed incorrectly can also stop water from flowing through the downspout.

Gutters and downspouts should be checked regularly and must be cleaned at least twice a year to avoid potential damage to your home. When an underground downspout is part of the gutter system, it is even more crucial that it be checked for blockages since they can be more difficult to locate.

Water damage can have serious consequences. Signs to look for that might indicate the downspouts should be replaced include: excessive water dripping from the bottom opening even after it’s stopped raining for awhile; more than normal build-up of debris in either the downspout, the gutters or both; the downpipe has become loose, not allowing it to function properly. Downspouts and gutters that are optimally maintained will help protect your home.