When to Replace Your Garage Door

When garage doors are used regularly they are subject to wear and tear – rollers, springs, worn hardware, or damaged panels. An old garage door looks bad and can detract from your home’s curb appeal, even when the rest of your house exterior is in good shape. Signs garage doors need to be replaced include they are too noisy, too slow, or outdated.

A Garage Door that is too Noisy

Garage door systems should operate smoothly and quietly. After oiling all the moving parts of the garage door and it still makes loud clunking noises or screeches when it opens and closes, it could be a sign it needs replacing. A garage door that is too noisy is often an indication that hardware has become loose or is deteriorating, causing friction (the source of the noise).

A Garage Door that is too Slow

A sure sign of an aging garage door is that it operates slowly or is unresponsive after you press the remote. Your garage door system should not randomly malfunction. If you’re constantly making repairs or adjustments and it’s still a gamble as to whether or not the door will open, it’s probably time for a new one.

A Damaged Garage Door is a Distraction

An attached garage is a fairly noticeable feature and can quickly draw a visitor’s eye to that part of your home’s exterior. There might be nothing wrong with how your garage door operates. But if it has sustained a lot of damage over the years or looks old and tired, your curb appeal could be taking a hit. Consider replacing garage doors if there are obvious dents; the paint or protective coating is peeling; there is a large gap between the bottom of the door and the pavement; or missing panels due to wood rot.

A Garage Door isn’t Energy-Efficient

Particularly if the garage door is older than 15 years, it most likely won’t be as energy-efficient as it should be. Consider replacing old garage doors with ones that are insulated and/or include double pane glass windows. If air-conditioned or heated air has been escaping through the garage, an energy-efficient garage door can reduce air-leakage and rising energy bills.

A Garage Door is Outdated

Garage door technology has been considerably improved over the last 10 years. If your garage door system hasn’t been recently upgraded, it could be a security risk. New garage doors include a number of security features to protect your home from break-ins and accidents that can be prevented with automatic door reversal.

Like your gutters and downspouts, your garage door works better when it has been maintained regularly. But if the garage doors haven’t been working properly for a while now or they’ve become such an eyesore, think about upgrading to a new garage door system that looks good and has more security features.