Ways to Minimize Soil Erosion this Fall

You might not give the plants that get drowned in the flowerbed by the north side downspout wherever there’s a heavy rainfall a second thought. Or that the foundation appears to be more exposed on one side of the house… Read More »

Gutters and Downspouts after a Storm

The Lower Mainland and other parts of the province have experienced extreme rainfall in the past 24 hours. Since it’s November, you know there’s more rainstorms on the way. While it’s dry and sunny today, inspect the gutters and downspouts… Read More »

Best Gutters for Heavy Rainfall

Heavy precipitation can severely damage a roofing system. After several days of continuous rain, gutters that don’t function well or don’t perform as expected can overflow. Overflowing gutters often lead to flooded basements or shifting foundations due to the oversaturation… Read More »

Gutters Overflow in Heavy Rainfall

You clean the gutters twice a year without fail. You’ve checked the gutter channel and downspouts for any blockages. But every time there’s a heavy rainfall, water spills over the gutter section. If debris build-up isn’t the reason, why do… Read More »