Aluminum Siding – Should You Replace It?

Aluminum siding, in many ways, is one of the most suitable siding materials for our Pacific Northwest climate. Very versatile and durable, it is rust-resistant, fire-resistant, and cost-effective because it lasts longer than vinyl siding. However, when aluminum cladding becomes… Read More »

Common Aluminum Siding Issues

There are a lot of good things that can be said about aluminum siding. It is very budget friendly; light weight yet durable; doesn’t rust; and can be recycled when it needs to be replaced. However, before deciding to invest… Read More »

Tips for Buying Vinyl Siding

Deciding factors for what type of siding material to choose include, amount of annual rainfall, appearance, and price. Vinyl siding is a popular choice for homeowners because it is very budget-friendly, easy to maintain, durable, and well-suited to Vancouver weather.… Read More »

Vinyl Siding – a Controversial Choice

Where functionality, aesthetics, and cost are equal concerns when building a home vinyl siding makes sense. But nothing seems to draw a line in the sand faster than the topic. It’s popular with consumers because it’s the most inexpensive cladding… Read More »