Improve the appearance of Your Home Exterior

Your home is part of the neighbourhood. As a homeowner, you want to stand out and be noticed, but you also want to blend in. Curb appeal and the first impressions your home’s exterior makes are important. These simple DIY… Read More »

Low-Maintenance Siding Materials for Your Home

When investing in new siding for your home, there are many things to consider such as your budget, the type of siding material, and your location (near a body of water or a busy road). Bottom line is you want… Read More »

Fall Curb Appeal Just in time for Thanksgiving

While we’re just into our second week of fall, Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. Crisp air, leaves falling from the trees, shorter days: little clues that tell us autumn is here. If you will have family and… Read More »

Budget-Friendly Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

Landscaping for the front yard is different from a landscape design for the backyard of your home. The backyard is a place to relax, entertain, and kick around a ball. The front yard is a place to show off –… Read More »