Home Maintenance for the First Month of Spring

A home’s exterior typically gets “emergency attention” throughout the winter months – repairs to the gutters, roof, and siding are done on an as needed basis. Spring is the perfect time to catch up. To be prepared for the nicer weather during the rest of the season and the summer ahead, here are some exterior home maintenance tasks that you can do in the first month of spring.

Put Away Holiday Decorations

If you are one of those people who are celebrate a December holiday all year round, say goodbye (for now) to your holiday decorations. Fairy lights can give a front yard definite curb appeal throughout all four seasons, but if they are coloured bulbs specifically associated with the holidays, take them down. Remove anything else holiday-related such as Christmas trees, LED reindeer, Santa’s sleigh, inflatable snowmen, and large red bows or festive garlands. Leaving them up past the holidays exposes them to the elements for longer than the manufacturers intended.

Spend Time Tidying Up

Spending time tidying up your property will instantly boost your curb appeal and give you a better idea of what else needs to be done.

Remove leaves and other types of debris that have accumulated on your lawn; clear away twigs and leaves from garden beds.

Power wash pathways, front steps, patio, and driveway.

Check railings (deck, stairs, porch, etc.) for loose hardware, damage, and warped or leaning posts.

Check any fencing around the property – look for wobbly posts, missing hardware, gates that don’t close properly, and wood damage such as rot and peeling paint.

Clean the Gutters

Gutter cleaning in spring is important for the following reasons:

  • Helps you assess how well the gutter system survived winter
  • Prevents possible vegetation growth in gutter troughs as days become warmer
  • Prevents clogs, leaks, and overflowing
  • Makes the gutters less vulnerable to pest infestations such as wasps and mosquitoes
  • Discourages nesters like birds and squirrels

Once the gutters have been cleaned and inspected, plan on making the necessary repairs or schedule a time with a professional gutter company to make them for you.

Clean the Siding

Check the siding for any damage. If siding panels need replacing or repairing, it is advisable not to use a power washer to clean your home’s exterior until you’ve had a chance to fix any damage When the siding can’t be repaired right away, use a garden hose to apply water or wash the siding panels manually.

To prevent further damage to your siding remove or secure anything such recycling bins that can be pushed up against the siding in a windstorm.

Trim back trees and shrubs that are growing too close to the exterior walls that might scratch the siding on a windy day.

Climbing plants on a home’s exterior is a definite curb appeal plus but can cause moisture to get in behind siding panels. If possible, use trellises instead of exterior walls (yes, you will have to replant the climbing vines). Since plants need watering, nearby vegetation can also be harmful to your foundation. Move vegetable and flower beds at least five feet away from your home exterior and foundation

Wash the Windows

Make those windows sparkle! Washing the windows is not only good for your curb appeal, it’s also good for your health. Don’t know where to start? Our brief guide “Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Windows” will help you get the job done in no time at all.

Spruce up Entry Doors

 Wash entry doors with mild soapy water. If the doors are made of wood, be sure they dry quickly or are wiped down with a dry cloth.

Clean any glass panels. Polish or clean the hardware. Oil hinges.

Replace outdated lighting around the front door and backdoor. Add soffit lighting to a front door where the steps tend to be in shadow.

Does the door look a bit worse for wear? Consider painting it a bold colour to add a focal point to your home exterior. Don’t forget to freshen up the trim.