Dos and Don’ts of Leaf Protection

Gutter guards can help keep your gutter system free of debris and reduce the amount of time you have to spend clearing out the gutters. If you already have some type of gutter protection in place, or if you’re thinking about investing in leaf guards, here are some dos and don’ts to help you get the most out of any system.

Dos of Leaf Protection

Make sure that the gutter guards are compatible with your gutters. Get the advice of a gutter contractor. They will be able to tell you:

  • what type of leaf protection works with your existing gutter system
  • if a certain kind is better suited to the climatic conditions of your area
  • it it will be compatible with the roof and its warranty

Cheaper is always better. Budget for a medium to high end leaf protection system. Select a material that is durable and easy to maintain.

Plan on having them installed by a licensed gutter contractor. Leaf catchers can do more harm than good if they are installed incorrectly.

Ensure that the gutter protection system you choose is the right one for your microclimate – holes in a leaf protector for a home surrounded by maple trees can be spaced further apart than for a system intended to keep pine needles out of the gutters.

Don’ts of Leaf Protection

Forgetting to check up on your gutters every so often might not be best for them in the long run. Inspect them from time to time for any damage they can incur from the elements.

You will still have to clean the gutters once in a while. Debris build-up will occur at a slower rate, but it will eventually have to be removed from the gutter channel.

Skip the kinds of leaf protectors that are made of low-grade plastics – they can dry out quickly and become brittle.

Avoid screens or grills that just are placed over the gutters; a good windstorm can make them AWOL.